For the most part, the past week has been frustrating, but improving from the week before. I have a possible job opportunity which sounds great but I'm still waiting to hear something. I won't go into details until I know more about it myself. John has been amazing the entire time and very supportive of my decisions. I'm going to take a moment and talk about how lucky I am to be married to him...
When John and I first met, I must admit that it took him awhile to get my attention. But he got it... and when he did it was like ying and yang. We fell in love pretty quickly and had an easy an amazing dating relationship. I knew he was the one because it was so easy. There was no drama like there was with the others and John truly had an interest in me and my life. He wanted to be there for me when I needed him. That was the BIG difference....he wanted to be there for me. The ex's were only there sometimes and it was always on their terms.... they had a hard time compromising. When a man sacrifices things he normally does for the woman he wants to be with, you know he's a keeper. This unconditional love John gives me has not changed one bit since we've been married. He always puts me first. And in return I always put him first. We're lucky that we like a lot of the same things but I sacrifice for him and he does for me. And when he spends the entire weekend with me and my Dad, happy as a clam, I realize again how much he loves me and how good we are together.